Five Children and It (Looking Glass Library)
by E. Nesbit Author
(From Amazon): What would you do if you could wish for anything in the world? In E. Nesbit’s classic middle-grade tale of adventure and mayhem, five children discover a Psammead, a grumpy magical creature with the ability to grant wishes. At first, their newfound power seems exciting and full of promise, but soon the children realize that getting what you wish for can land you in a whole heap of trouble! This Looking Glass Library edition includes an introduction by Laurel Snyder and line illustrations from the original 1902 publication.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0-375-86336
- Print Status
- In Print
- chapters
- 11
- Pages
- 272
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 4th
- Publisher
- Random House Books for Young Readers
- Copyright
- 2010
- 1 Beautiful as the Day
- 2 Golden Guineas
- 3 Being Wanted
- 4 Wings
- 5 No Wings
- 6 A Castle and No Dinner
- 7 A Siege and Bed
- 8 Bigger Than the Baker's boy
- 9 Grown Up
- 10 Scalps
- 11 The Last Wish
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