365 Simple Science Experiments
by Louis Loeschnig Author, E. Richard Churchill Author, Muriel Mandell Author
Presents a variety of activities, projects, and experiments that help to illustrate and explain all sorts of scientific principles. Uses common household items, giving several experiments done with the same items within each chapter. Makes a great "rainy day project" resource!
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1884822673
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 26
- Pages
- 317
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 6th
- Publisher
- Black Dog & Levanthal Publishers, Inc.
- Copyright
- 1997
- 1 Clutching at Straws
- 2 Paper Capers
- 3 More than Lemonade
- 4 Dairy Dozen
- 5 Adventures with String
- 6 Soap Suds
- 7 Slow Start - Fast Finish
- 8 Keeping Your Balance
- 9 Have to Have All the Moves
- 10 The Sound of Science
- 11 Feeling Stressed? Try Some Surface Tension
- 12 Science Can Give You A Warm Feeling
- 13 Blown Away
- 14 Being Earth Conscious
- 15 World Travellers
- 16 Leafy Lessons
- 17 Dirty Words: Soil, Sand, Humus and Mud
- 18 Gravity and Magnetism: Attractive Forces
- 19 Don't Fiddle with Old Fossils
- 20 Weather
- 21 Whirling Winds and Gentle Breezes
- 22 Water, Water Everywhere
- 23 Building a Weather Station
- 24 Air, H2O and other things
- 25 Here's Superman, but Where's Clark?
- 26 Salty Solutions and Sweet Success
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