A hive of busy bees
by Effie Williams Author
(From Amazon): Don and Joyce are invited to spend the summer with their grandparents at the farm. Each day presents exciting opportunities for them to experience outdoor farm life-so different from the city-especial
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0936595051
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 14
- Pages
- 158
- Publisher
- Sure Foundation
- Copyright
- 1998
- 1 How it Happened
- 2 The Sting of the Bee
- 3 Bee Obedient
- 4 Bee Honest
- 5 Bee Truthful
- 6 Bee Kind
- 7 Bee Polite
- 8 Bee Gentle
- 9 Bee Helpful
- 10 Bee Grateful
- 11 Bee Loving
- 12 Bee Content
- 13 Bee Prayerful
- 14 Home Again
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