
FHE - Old Testament - Gospel Art Kit

by Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saintsd by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Author

Using the Gospel Art Kit for FHE lessons. Text and pictures available online. Pictures are mostly the same as the new Gospel Art Book (but the book doesn't have text.) 1. Work with one child to learn the FHE lesson (text with the picture) 2. Help the child present the lesson, which is usually quite short. Ask different family members to look up and read the scriptures. 3. Spend the rest of the evening playing board games or performing musical numbers for each other. Don't forget to make a yummy but healthy desert. 4. Display the picture in the dining room or some other highly visual location such as a low shelf on an easel for the rest of the week. 5. At least once a day, ask who would like to re-tell the story and soon everyone will know the stories very well.

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In Print


  • 1 (B2) - K100 - Creation - Living Creatures / (all things)
  • 2 (B4) - K101 - Adam and Eve
  • 3 B5 - K119 - Adam and Eve Teaching their Children
  • 4 B6 - K120 - Enoch and His People Are Taken Up to God
  • 5 B7 - K102 - Building the Ark
  • 6 B8 - K103 - Noah and the Ark with Animals
  • 7 Bx - K104 - An Angel Saves Abraham
  • 8 B9 - K105 - Abraham Taking Isaac to be Sacrificed
  • 9 B10 - K121 - Rebekah at the Well
  • 10 Bx - K109 - Joseph is Sold by His Brothers
  • 11 B11 - K110 - Joseph Resists Potiphar's Wife
  • 12 B12 - K122 - Jacob Blessing His Sons
  • 13 Bx - K106 - Moses in the Bulrushes
  • 14 B13 - K107 - Moses and the Burning Bush
  • 15 B15 - K108 - Moses Calls Aaron to the Ministry
  • 16 B16 - K123 - Moses and the Brass Serpent
  • 17 B17 - K124 - Ruth Gleaning in the Fields
  • 18 B18 - K111 - Boy Samuel Called by the Lord
  • 19 B19 - K112 - David Slays Goliath
  • 20 Bx - K118 - Temple Used Anciently
  • 21 B22 - K113 - Isiah Writes of Christ's Birth
  • 22 B23 - K114 - Daniel Refusing the King's Meat and Wine
  • 23 B24 - K115 - Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
  • 24 B25 - K116 - Three Men in the Fiery Furnace
  • 25 B26 - K117 - Daniel in the Lion's Den

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