
Uncovering the Mysterious Woolly Mammoth

by Michael Oard Author

(From Amazon): Woolly mammoths have fascinated adults and children alike for decades. How did so many get preserved in ice, why did they go extinct, and how did they live? These are questions that many have asked, and the answers given are usually in line with an evolutionary world view. But is this the only answer? Is there a better explanation for the evidences found in the remains of these unique creatures? What is a believer in the young age of the earth to do when confronted with these questions? Author Mike Oard gives answers to these questions for young readers. He also gives fascinating facts about these hairy, elephant-like creatures, in this sequel to Life in the Great Ice Age. Oard tells the story of how they disappeared from the earth as a result of entrapment in the ice and snow that resulted from the flood of Noah's day. Complete with beautiful, full-color illustrations from award-winning painter Bill Looney (illustrator, The True Story of Noah's Ark), this book fills an important niche within the scientific community.

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Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 7th
Master Books; imprint

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