
Math Play! (Williamson Little Hands Series)

by Diane McGowan Author

(From Amazon): This title is suitable for ages 2 to 6 years. Children develop early -learning maths skills - counting, sequencing, numerical recognition, pattern identification, manipulating shapes, measuring - with plenty of play mixed in!


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years
Williamson Pub


  • 1 Ready, One, Two, Three!
  • 2 Noisy Animals
  • 3 Kitchen Fun
  • 4 Magic Wand
  • 5 Sing to Three!
  • 6 Smile Awhile
  • 7 Clay Numbers
  • 8 Three Party
  • 9 Sock Sort
  • 10 Pretty Paper Orchard
  • 11 How Many Chirps?
  • 12 Picture Sort
  • 13 Six Scents
  • 14 Love You Lots
  • 15 Up On Top
  • 16 Muffin Cup Count
  • 17 Guess It
  • 18 Counting Bugs & Birds
  • 19 how Many More Days
  • 20 Balancing Hats
  • 21 Sticks & Stones
  • 22 Piggies
  • 23 Count Around
  • 24 Laundry Basketball
  • 25 Tower Counter
  • 26 Cold Splash
  • 27 Just One More
  • 28 Sticker Time
  • 29 Refrigerator Hunt
  • 30 What Day Is Today?
  • 31 Number Sleuth
  • 32 Whip up a Number
  • 33 Frosting Cookies
  • 34 Card Pick Up
  • 35 Card Swap
  • 36 Matching Fun
  • 37 Telephone Time
  • 38 Pretty Puppet Party
  • 39 Number Charades
  • 40 License Plate Game
  • 41 I Spy
  • 42 Drinking My Milk
  • 43 Going to the Store
  • 44 Bigger Is Better
  • 45 Measure Up
  • 46 Opposites Grab Bag
  • 47 Stepping Out
  • 48 Sand Castle
  • 49 Line Up
  • 50 Lunch Time Shapes
  • 51 Making My Shapes Book
  • 52 Shape Art
  • 53 Shape Match
  • 54 Sand Shapes
  • 55 Clay Play
  • 56 Mirror Mirror
  • 57 Going on a Shape Hunt
  • 58 Shape Hopscotch
  • 59 Let's Plant a Garden
  • 60 Marching Time
  • 61 Sporks
  • 62 Egg Line up
  • 63 Beautiful Sounds
  • 64 Bedtime Memories
  • 65

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