
Latin Playground

Putumayo invites children of all ages on a fun and educational musical journey through Latin America with Latin Playground, a collection of upbeat songs by well- known artists from Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and more. Putumayo's highly successful and critically acclaimed series of world music for kids has introduced children to world music from more than 20 countries and Latin Playground continues in the same tradition. Latin Playground is a wonderful way to celebrate and discover the richness and beauty of Latin American music and culture. With songs selected to appeal to a wide variety of listeners, from toddlers to grown-ups, Latin Playground is a musical fiesta for all ages that you don't have to be a kid to enjoy. Latin Playground's entertaining and informative liner notes are in English and Spanish and include Nicola Heindl's endearing, colorful illustrations. Each song is accompanied with easy-to-read information about the country of origin, the style of music, fun facts and interesting information that will enhance the listener's interest in the cultures where the music is from.


Additional Details

Print Status
In Print
by Countries
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 6th

by Countries

  • 1 Cuba
  • 3 Mejico
  • 4 Brasil
  • 5 Puerto Rico
  • 6 Ecuador
  • 7 Uruguay
  • 8 Venezuela
  • 9 Colombia

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