
The Daring Book for Girls

by Andrea J. Buchanan Author

(From Amazon): The Daring Book for Girls is the manual for everything that girls need to know—and that doesn't mean sewing buttonholes! Whether it's female heroes in history, secret note-passing skills, science projects, friendship bracelets, double dutch, cats cradle, the perfect cartwheel or the eternal mystery of what boys are thinking, this book has it all. But it's not just a guide to giggling at sleepovers—although that's included, of course! Whether readers consider themselves tomboys, girly-girls, or a little bit of both, this book is every girl's invitation to adventure.


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William Morrow


  • 1 Essential Gear
  • 2 Rules of the Game: Basketball
  • 3 Rules of the Game: Netball
  • 4 Palm Reading
  • 5 The History of Writing, and Writing in Cursive Italics
  • 6 Fourteen Games of Tag
  • 7 Spanish Terms of Endearment, Idioms, and Other Items of Note
  • 8 Daring Spanish Girls
  • 9 Pressing Flowers
  • 10 Four Square
  • 11 Princesses Today
  • 12 How to Whistle With Two Fingers
  • 13 Chinese Jump Rope
  • 14 Double Dutch Jump Rope
  • 15 How to Tie a Sari
  • 16 Hopscotch, Tetherball, Jump Rope
  • 17 Queens of the Ancient World I: Wise Artemisia
  • 18 Knots and Stitches
  • 19 Rules of the Game: Softball
  • 20 Caring for Your Softball Glove
  • 21 Playing Cards: Hearts and Gin
  • 22 South Sea Islands
  • 23 Putting Your Hair Up With a Pencil
  • 24 Cartwheels and Back Walk-Overs
  • 25 Weather
  • 26 Lemon-Powered Clock
  • 27 Snowballs
  • 28 Every Girl's Toolbox
  • 29 Going to Africa
  • 30 Bandana Tying
  • 31 Five Karate Moves
  • 32 The Daring Girls Guide to Danger
  • 33 French Terms of Endearment, Expression, and Other Terms of Note
  • 34 Joan of Arc
  • 35 Making a Willow Whistle
  • 36 Periodic Table of the Elements
  • 37 Vinegar and Baking Soda
  • 38 Rules of the Game: Bowling
  • 39 Queens of the Ancient World II: Salome Alexandra of Judea
  • 40 Secret Garden
  • 41 Friendship Bracelets
  • 42 Slumber Party Games
  • 43 Making a Cloth-Covered Book
  • 44 Pirates
  • 45 A Short History of Women Inventors and Scientists
  • 46 Sleep Outs
  • 47 The Sit-Upon
  • 48 Lamp, Lantern, Flashlight
  • 49 Explorers
  • 50 Building a Campfire
  • 51 Campfire Songs
  • 52 Coolest Paper Airplane Ever
  • 53 Abigail Adams' Letters with John Adams
  • 54 Clubhouses and Forts
  • 55 Daisy Chains and Ivy Crowns
  • 56 God's Eyes / Ojos de Dios
  • 57 Writing Letters
  • 58 Reading Tide Charts
  • 59 Making a Seine Net
  • 60 Women Spies
  • 61 How to be a Spy
  • 62 Climbing
  • 63 Queens of the Ancient World III: Cleopatra of Egypt
  • 64 Lemonade Stand
  • 65 How to Paddle a Canoe
  • 66 The Ultimate Scooter
  • 67 Bird Watching
  • 68 Modern Women Leaders
  • 69 Rules of the Game: Darts
  • 70 Math Tricks
  • 71 Words to Impress
  • 72 Tree Swing
  • 73 Yoga: Sun Salutation
  • 74 Three Silly Pranks
  • 75 What is the Bill of Rights?
  • 76 The Three Sisters
  • 77 Peach Pit Rings
  • 78 First Aid
  • 79 Queens of the Ancient World IV: Boudica's Rebellion against Rome
  • 80 Roller Skating
  • 81 Boys
  • 82 Robert's Rules
  • 83 Watercolor Painting On the Go
  • 84 Making a Peg Board Game
  • 85 Handclap Games
  • 86 Finance: Interest, Stocks, and Bonds
  • 87 Marco Polo and Water Polo
  • 88 A Short History of Women Olympic Firsts
  • 89 How to Negotiate a Salary
  • 90 Public Speaking
  • 91 Telling Ghost Stories
  • 92 How to Change a Tire
  • 93 Make Your Own Quill Pen
  • 94 Hiking
  • 95 Greek and Latin Root Words
  • 96 Paper Flowers and Capillary Action
  • 97 Cootie Catchers
  • 98 Jacks
  • 99 Picking Who's It
  • 100 Queens of the Ancient World V: Zenobia, Queen of the East
  • 101 Japanese T-Shirt Folding
  • 102 States, Statehood, Capitals, Flowers, and Trees - plus Canada!
  • 103 Make Your Own Paper
  • 104 Books That Will Change Your Life
  • 105 Miscellanea

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