by Roxie Munro Author
(From Amazon): Birds are some of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. They live all over the world--from the frozen polar regions to sizzling hot deserts. Bird pirates steal food from other animals, and scavenger birds eat animals that are already dead. Birds make all sorts of sounds--from singing to honking to hooting and whistling. Birds have been around for a long time, too. Fossils with feathers have been found that date back to 150 million years ago. Over nine thousand species of birds currently live on Earth--it's the most widespread animal in the world.All birds lay eggs, and most build nests. Many eggs are white or light-colored, but others are dark or have squiggles, dots, and other markings. Some eggs hatch in under an hour, while others can take up to two days. You'll see lots of eggs in Hatch! Try to guess what kind of bird these eggs come from. When you turn the page, you'll find out the answer and see the bird and its nest in its habitat. On the last page of this book, you can find even more information about birds.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0-7614-5882
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 40
- Publisher
- Amazon Children's Publishing
- Copyright
- 2011
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