My Father's World from A to Z
by Marie Hazell, M.A. Author
My Father's World Kindergarten curriculum is a year-long learning adventure for young children. It contains all necessary subjects and is ideal for homeschool or classroom. The first two weeks focus on the creation story from Genesis, followed by 26 hands-on, easy to teach thematic units that focus on the wonders in God's creation. The sun, moon, rocks, vegetables, elephants, butterflies, and dinosaurs are just a few of the exciting topics you will explore.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Curriculum
- 9781619990081
- Print Status
- In Print
- Units
- 27
- Pages
- 229
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years
- Publisher
- My Father's World
- Edition
- Second
- Copyright
- 1991,1998,2011
- Written
- Second Edition 2011
- http://www.mfwbooks.com
- 1 Creation - The Foundation
- 2 Sun - Jesus is the light of the world
- 3 Moon - I am the light of the world
- 4 Leaf - I will live and grow in Jesus
- 5 Apple - If I stay in Jesus, I will have much fruit
- 6 Nest - God takes good care of me
- 7 Turtle - I don't quit: I preservere
- 8 Us - God made us WONDERFUL!
- 9 Dinosaur - Big and Small, God made them all
- 10 Octopus - Even the octopus praises the Lord
- 11 Water - Jesus gives my spirit living water to drink
- 12 Insect - I an a wise child, so I work hard
- 13 Goat - Jesus died for my sin
- 14 Cow - God's Word helps me grow
- 15 Horse - I obey right away
- 16 Elephant - I will remember what God has done for me
- 17 Penguin - I show love to everyone, especially my family
- 18 Kangaroo - I am safe in God
- 19 Zebra - I can't hide anything from God
- 20 Rock - I listen and obey; I build my life on the Rock
- 21 Jewel - Jesus is more valuable than anything else
- 22 Butterfly - God can make me new
- 23 Frog - I use my tongue wisely
- 24 Fox - God's Word makes me wiser than my enemies
- 25 Vegetables - God gives me all that I need
- 26 Quail - I don't grumble or complain; I am thankful
- 27 Yellow - Thank you God, for this beautiful world
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