Mind Benders A1/A2 - CD
(From Amazon): These fun, popular "mind-bending" activities will improve students' deductive reasoning and reading comprehension to ensure higher grades and top test scores. Students develop these skills by searching through each Mind Benders activity, carefully examining obvious and not-so-obvious clues for information they can use to make logical connections. Activity grids are provided to help students keep track of information and to focus their thinking. Each book includes strategies for solving the problems and detailed answers. There is a slight increase in difficulty within levels (A-2 is harder than A-1) and a greater jump in difficulty from one level to the next (Level B is harder than Level A).
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- 978-0-89455-728
- Print Status
- In Print
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 6th
- Publisher
- The Critical Thinking Co.
- Copyright
- 2004
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