
Modern Curriculum Press Phonics, Level K

by Elwell Murray Kucia Author

(From Amazon): Sing, Spell, Read & Write ©2004 Kindergarten Sing, Spell, Read & Write uses phonics songs, interactive charts, and games to teach the alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness, sound/letter correspondence, short vowel sounds, and blending - in a fun and meaningful way. By the end of Kindergarten students will be reading fully-decodable story books with single-, short- vowel words. Features and Benefits Combines the best teaching practices supported by current research on brain function, language acquisition, and reading.Uses a multisensory, multimodal approach that requires total participation from all learners, ensuring individual success.Delights students with sing-alongs, games, charts, and appealing storybooks they can read all by themselves as early as Level K! Build fluent, independent readers through a unique 36-step learning-to-read curriculum built on carefully sequenced, systematic, and explicit phonics instruction. With over 25 years of proven classroom success and developed by Sue Dickson, a well-known educator with 27 years of primary grade experience, Sing, Spell, Read & Write uses music as the primary instructional vehicle. This fun and engaging reading program will: Provide a creative, encouraging learning environment that engages every learning style and stimulates brain activity.Ensure individual success through its use of a multisensory, multimodal approach that requires total participation from all learners.Delight students with sing-alongs, games, charts, and appealing story books children can read all by themselves as early as Level K.Draw upon the research and demonstrated success of using music in reading and spelling skill development to produce reading success for children.Align to current research on brain function, language acquisition, and reading, as well as, scientific research clearly stating that systematic and explicit phonics instruction is the most effective way to encourage a child’s growth in reading.Incorporate the research-based principles of reading instruction as required by Reading First including phonemic awareness and phonological awareness, systematic, explicit phonics instruction, vocabulary development, fluency and oral reading skills, and reading comprehension strategies. Research and Validity Improved reading scores nationwide tell the story of Sing, Spell, Read & Write success.


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In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 1st
Modern Curriculum Press

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