Aesop for Children - Selected Fables
by Aesop Author, adapted by Milo Winter Author
Fables of Aesop. - Put in order of AO Readings
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- In Print
- Weeks
- 71
- 1 WEEK 1: The Wolf and the Kid
- 1 WEEK 1: The Tortoise and the Ducks
- 2 WEEK 2: Belling the Cat
- 2 WEEK 2: The Eagle and the Jackdaw
- 3 WEEK 3: The Boy and the Filberts
- 3 WEEK 3: Hercules and the Wagoner
- 4 WEEK 4:The Kid and the Wolf
- 4 WEEK 4: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- 5 WEEK 5: The Fox and the Grapes
- 5 WEEK 5: The Bundle of Sticks
- 6 WEEK 6: The Ass and His Driver
- 6 WEEK 6: The Oxen and the Wheels
- 7 WEEK 7: The Lion and the Mouse
- 7 WEEK 7: The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
- 8 WEEK 8: The Gnat and the Bull
- 8 WEEK 8: The Plane Tree
- 9 WEEK 9: The Farmer and the Stork
- 9 WEEK 9: The Sheep and the Pig
- 10 WEEK 10: The Travelers and the Purse
- 10 WEEK 10: The Lion and the Ass
- 11 WEEK 11: The Frogs Who Wished for a King
- 11 WEEK 11: The Oak and the Reeds
- 12 WEEK 12: The Boys and the Frogs
- 12 WEEK 12: The Crow and the Pitcher
- 13 WEEK 13: The Ants and the Grasshopper
- 13 WEEK 13: The Ass Carrying the Image
- 14 WEEK 14: A Raven and a Swan
- 14 WEEK 14: The Two Goats
- 15 WEEK 15: The Ass and the Load of Salt
- 15 WEEK 15: The Lion and the Gnat
- 16 WEEK 16: The Leap at Rhodes
- 16 WEEK 16: The Wild Boar and the Fox
- 17 WEEK 17: The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion
- 17 WEEK 17: The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
- 18 WEEK 18: The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
- 18 WEEK 18: The Hares and the Frogs
- 19 WEEK 19: The Fox and the Stork
- 19 WEEK 19: The Travelers and the Sea
- 20 WEEK 20: The Stag and His Reflection
- 20 WEEK 20: The Peacock
- 21 WEEK 21: The Mice and the Weasels
- 21 WEEK 21: The Wolf and the Lean Dog
- 22 WEEK 22: The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers
- 22 WEEK 22: The Monkey and the Cat
- 23 WEEK 23: The Dogs and the Hides
- 23 WEEK 23: The Bear and the Bees
- 24 WEEK 24: The Fox and the Leopard
- 24 WEEK 24: The Heron
- 25 WEEK 25: The Fox and the Goat
- 25 WEEK 25: The Cat, the Cock, and the Young Mouse
- 26 WEEK 26: The Wolf and the Shepherd
- 26 WEEK 26: The Farmer and His Sons
- 27 WEEK 27: The Goose and the Golden Egg
- 27 WEEK 27: The Astrologer
- 28 WEEK 28: Three Bullocks and a Lion
- 28 WEEK 28: Mercury and the Woodman
- 29 WEEK 29: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- 29 WEEK 29: The Milkmaid and Her Pail
- 30 WEEK 30: The Goatherd and the Goat
- 30 WEEK 30: The Wolf and the House Dog
- 31 WEEK 31: The Quack Toad
- 31 WEEK 31: The Cat and the Fox
- 32 WEEK 32: Two Travelers and a Bear
- 32 WEEK 32: The Dog and His Reflection
- 33 WEEK 33: The Hare and the Tortoise
- 33 WEEK 33: The Fox and the Crow
- 34 WEEK 34: The Lion's Share
- 34 WEEK 34: The North Wind and the Sun
- 35 WEEK 35: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- 35 WEEK 35: The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet
- 36 WEEK 36: The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
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