First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind (Vol. Levels 1 & 2) (First Language Lessons)
by Jessie Wise Author
(From Amazon): Parents can assure their child's success in language arts with this simple-to-use, scripted guide.First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind uses picture study and other classical techniques to develop the child's language study in those first two all-important years of school. Each lesson leads the parent, step-by-step, through the simple oral and written projects that build reading, writing, spelling, storytelling, and comprehension skills. Use this book to supplement school learning, or as the center of a home-school language arts course.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0971412927
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lesson s
- 200
- Pages
- 420
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 3rd
- Publisher
- Peace Hill Press
- Edition
- First Edition
- Copyright
- 2002
- Written
- 2003
Lesson s
- 1 Introducing Nouns
- 2 Introducting Poem Memorization: The Caterpillar
- 3 Common Nouns: Family Relationships
- 4 Proper Nouns: First Names
- 5 Introducing Story Narration: The Rabbit and the Turtle
- 6 Proper Nouns: First Names
- 7 Common and Proper Nouns: Other Names
- 8 Common and Proper Nouns: Other Names
- 9 Introducing Picture Narration: In the Kitchen
- 10 Writing the Child's Proper Name
- 11 Writing First Names
- 12 Story Narration: The Lion and the Mouse
- 13 Proper Nouns: Family Names
- 14 Proper Nouns: Middle Names
- 15 Poem Memorization: Work
- 16 Proper Nouns: Full Names
- 17 Common Nouns: Places
- 18 Proper Nouns: Places
- 19 Proper Nouns: Places
- 20 Proper Nouns: States
- 21 Proper Nouns: Your Address
- 22 Story Narration: The Little Girl Who Wanted to be Dirty
- 23 Common Nouns: Things
- 24 Picture Narration: After A Bath
- 25 Proper Nouns: Names
- 26 Proper Nouns: Names
- 27 Poem Memorization: Hearts Are Like Doors
- 28 Noun Review
- 29 Proper Nouns: Introducing Zip Codes
- 30 Common and Proper Nouns
- 31 Common Nouns: Living Things
- 32 Common and Proper Nouns: Family and Other Living Things
- 33 Picture Narration: Pet Shop
- 34 Proper Nouns: Days of the Week
- 35 Poem Memorization: Days of the Week
- 36 Story Narration: The Hen and the Golden Eggs
- 37 Identifying Nouns in a Story
- 38 Days of the Week
- 39 Addresses; Aunts and Uncles
- 40 Proper Nouns: Months of the Year
- 41 Proper Nouns: Months of the Year
- 42 Introducing Copywork
- 43 Poem Memorization: The Months
- 44 Nouns: Ideas
- 45 Noun Review
- 46 Introducing Pronouns: I, Me, My, Mine
- 47 Pronouns: You, Your, Yours
- 48 Pronouns: He, She, Him, Her, It, His, Hers, Its
- 49 Pronouns: We, Us, Our, Ours
- 50 Pronouns: They, Them, Their, Theirs
- 51 Story Narration: The Bundle of Sticks
- 52 Introducing Verbs: Action Verbs
- 53 Pronouns; Action Verbs
- 54 Telephone Numbers
- 55 Nouns; Pronouns; Action Verbs
- 56 Picture Narration: The Leaf
- 57 Cumulative Poem Review
- 58 Pronouns; Action Verbs; Action Poem: Dancing
- 59 Days of the Week; Action Verbs
- 60 Introducing Initials
- 61 Initials; Identifying Pronouns in a Story
- 62 Story Narration: The Crow and the Pitcher
- 63 Days and Months
- 64 Introducing Seasons: Winter
- 65 Introducing Abbreviations
- 66 Initials; Abbreviations
- 67 Seasons: Spring; Noun Review
- 68 Action Verbs
- 69 Pronouns; Seasons: Summer
- 70 Seasons: Fall
- 71 Seasons; Holidays
- 72 Capitalization of I
- 73 Oral Composition
- 74 Story-poem Narration: The Three Little Kittens
- 75 Nouns; Verbs, Pronouns
- 76 Initials; Months of the Year, Days of the Week, Pronouns
- 77 Abbreviations: Addresses
- 78 Introducing Titles of Respect
- 79 Titles of Respect
- 80 Cumulative Poem Review
- 81 Poem Memorization: Mr. Nobody
- 82 Capitalization in Poetry
- 83 Pronouns
- 84 Oral Composition
- 85 Abbreviations: Initials and Addresses
- 86 Capitalization and Punctuation in Poetry
- 87 Story Narration: The Boy who Cried Wolf
- 88 Introducing Writing Dates
- 89 Dates
- 90 Seasons
- 91 Story-poem Narration: Sunflowers
- 92 Introducing Sentences
- 93 Introducing Sentence Type 1: Statements
- 94 Introducing Sentence Type 2: Commands
- 95 Introducing Sentence Type 3: Questions
- 96 Introducing Sentence Type 4: Exclamations
- 97 Four Types of Sentences
- 98 Nouns; Sentences; Verbs
- 99 Cumulative Poem Review
- 100 Sentence Poem: The Goops
- 101 Noun Review
- 102 Poem Memorization: The Goops
- 103 Action Verbs; Capitalizing I
- 104 Pronouns
- 105 Introducing State of Being Verbs
- 106 State of Being Verbs
- 107 Introducing Linking Verbs
- 108 Linking Verbs
- 109 Story Narration: The Camel's Nose
- 110 Linking Verbs
- 111 Beginning Poem Booklet: The Year
- 112 Four Types of Sentences; Seasons
- 113 Commas in Dates and Addresses
- 114 Commas in a Series
- 115 Introducing Helping Verbs
- 116 Noun and Verb Review
- 117 Capitalization Review
- 118 Picture Narration: Summer Picnic
- 119 Contractions
- 120 Contractions
- 121 Contractions Using Not
- 122 Introducing Dictation
- 123 Introducing Adjectives
- 124 Introducing Predicate Adjectives
- 125 Cumulative Review
- 126 Helping Verbs
- 127 Story Narration: The Quarrel
- 128 Contractions
- 129 Verb Review
- 130 Adjectives
- 131 Poem Memorization: The Year
- 132 Introducing Interjections; Four Types of Sentences
- 133 Adjectives; Commas in a Series
- 134 Introducing Conjunctions
- 135 Interjections; Conjunctions
- 136 Introducing Letter-writing; Writing a Thank-you Note
- 137 Addressing an Envelope
- 138 Introducing Direct Quotations
- 139 Poem Memorization: The Little Bird
- 140 Story Narration: The Little Red Hen
- 141 Introducing Indirect Quotations
- 142 Titles of Respect; Adjectives; Quotation Marks
- 143 Four Types of Sentences
- 144 Story Narration: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
- 145 Cumulative Review
- 146 Picture Narration: Planting Seeds
- 147 Introducing Adverbs
- 148 Adverbs
- 149 Addresses
- 150 Writing Postcards; Nouns; Adjectives
- 151 Dates; Months; Seasons; Days
- 152 The Four Kinds of Verbs
- 153 Adverbs; Adjectives
- 154 Story Narration: The Storm
- 155 Adjectives; Adverbs
- 156 Introducing Articles
- 157 Capitalization Review
- 158 Introducing Prepositions
- 159 Prepositions
- 160 Picture Narration: Bedtime
- 161 Prepositions
- 162 Prepositions
- 163 Prepositions
- 164 Articles; Commas in a Series; Conjunctions; Prepositions
- 165 Prepositions; Adverbs
- 166 Prepositions; Verbs
- 167 Prepositions
- 168 Prepositions
- 169 Cumulative Poem Review
- 170 Letter-writing; Writing a Friendly Letter; Prepositions
- 171 Addressing an Envelope
- 172 Prepositions
- 173 Story Narration: The Three Bears
- 174 Introducing Synonyms
- 175 Introducing Antonyms
- 176 Picture Narration: Playing Together
- 177 Four Types of Sentences
- 178 Verbs
- 179 Adverbs; Adjectives
- 180 Interjections; Prepositions
- 181 Direct and Indirect Quotations
- 182 Nouns; Pronouns
- 183 Contractions
- 184 Poem Memorization: All Things Beautiful
- 185 Introducing Written Composition: Ordering Ideas
- 186 Written Composition: Forming Paragraphs
- 187 Written Composition: Copying the Final Work
- 188 Picture Narration: Morning Time
- 189 Prepositions
- 190 Synonyms; Antonyms
- 191 Cumulative Review
- 192 Written Composition: Ordering Ideas
- 193 Written Composition: Forming Paragraphs
- 194 Written Composition: Copying the Final Work
- 195 Cumulative Poem Review
- 196 Cumulative Review
- 197 Cumulative Review
- 198 Cumulative Review
- 199 Story Narration: The Donkey and the Salt
- 200 Parts of Speech Hunt
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