Delightful Handwriting Copybook (D'Nealian Print) [SCM]
A unique writing-table style copybook used to teach young children how to write. The clean, minimal layout emphasizes quality over quantity. Students move from drawing initial strokes, to letters, to words. Copywork selections (the same as the rich reading selections from Delightful Reading) are included in the back for additional practice once letters are learned. Available in Zaner Bloser or D'Nealian style. The same teacher book can be used to teach either style.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616341404
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 112
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 2nd
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Copyright
- 2011
- 3 Basic Stroke
- 4 Sideways Stroke
- 5 E
- 6 F
- 7 H, HE
- 8 I, IF
- 9 HI, FEE
- 10 L, LIFE
- 11 T, THE
- 12 Forward Slash
- 13 Backward Slash
- 14 A, ALL
- 15 K, KIT
- 16 M, MAT
- 17 KIM, HIT
- 18 FLEA
- 19 N, MAIN
- 20 V, VAT
- 21 W, WHAT
- 22 X, EXIT
- 23 Y, YEA
- 24 Z, ZANY
- 25 Forward C-Curve
- 26 WIT, YE
- 28 NEXT
- 29 U-Curve
- 30 Backward C-Curve
- 31 C, CHAT
- 32 D, WIELD
- 33 G, AGAIN
- 34 J, JACK
- 35 O, WON
- 36 CAT, JON
- 37 GLAND
- 38 P, DIP
- 39 Q
- 40 R, MERE
- 41 U, QUIT
- 42 B, BOUND
- 43 S, SKIPS
- 46 Lowercase strokes review
- 47 v
- 48 z
- 49 i
- 50 i, v
- 51 z
- 52 l, ill
- 53 t, till
- 54 x
- 55 k, kilt
- 56 kit, Liz, x
- 57 w, kiwi
- 58 y, xyz
- 59 o, vow
- 60 a, law
- 61 tot, yay
- 62 wow
- 63 c, click
- 64 g, go
- 65 e, alive
- 66 s, last
- 67 cast, eagle
- 68 u, you
- 69 q, quick
- 70 b, box
- 71 h, shout
- 72 quill, shut
- 73 bog
- 74 r, hear
- 75 n, brings
- 76 m, mare
- 77 d, grind
- 78 skin, dry
- 79 home
- 80 j, jaws
- 81 p, paint
- 82 f, doff
- 83 phone, finding
- 84 jet
- 85 Student's name
- 86 The rain is falling all around
- 87 It falls on field and tree
- 88 It rains on the umbrellas
- 89 here, And on the ships at sea.
- 90 Some dogs, finding the skin of a lion
- 91 began to tear it in pieces with
- 92 their teeth. A fox, seeing them,
- 93 said: "If this lion were alive, you
- 94 would soon find out that his
- 95 claws were stronger than your teeth."
- 96 Moral: It is easy to kick a man that
- 97 is down.
- 98 Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to
- 99 show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they
- 100 are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly
- 101 off to the sky like an eagle.
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