
The Young Peace Maker

by Corlette Sande Author

The Young Peacemaker is a powerful system that parents and teachers can use to teach children how to prevent and resolve conflict in a constructive and biblically faithful manner. The system emphasizes principles of confession, forgiveness, communication, and character development, and uses realistic stories, practical applications, role plays, and stimulating activities. Although the material is designed for 3rd through 7th grades, it has been successfully used with pre-school and high school students. The lessons in The Young Peacemaker may be summarized in Twelve Key Principles for Young Peacemakers: Young Peacemaker Provides detailed plans for teaching biblical peacemaking to 3rd-7th grade children in families, Christian schools, home schools, Sunday schools, VBS, and youth groups. $19.95 more info Conflict is a slippery slope. Conflict starts in the heart. Choices have consequences. Wise-way choices are better than my-way choices. The blame game makes conflict worse. Conflict is an opportunity. The Five A's can resolve conflict. Forgiveness is a choice. It is never too late to start doing what's right. Think before you speak. Respectful communication is more likely to be heard. A respectful appeal can prevent conflict.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
3rd - 7th


  • 1 Conflict is a Slippery Slope
  • 2 What Causes Conflict?
  • 3 Choices Have Consequences
  • 4 Making Choices the Wise Way
  • 5 Playing the Blame Game
  • 6 Confict is an Opportunity
  • 7 The Five A's for Resolving Conflict
  • 8 The Freedom of Forgiveness
  • 9 Altering Choices
  • 10 Think Before You Speak
  • 11 The Communication Pie
  • 12 Making a Respectful Appeal

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