Tags: astronomy
Our Created Moon: Earth’s Fascinating Neighbor (Edition: Updated, Revised) [SCM]
by Don DeYoung, John Whitcomb
(From Amazon): For eons the moon has intrigued humanity. From its creation through the current is...
The Planets (Edition: First Edition)
(From Amazon): With her blockbuster New York Times bestsellers Longitude and Galileo’s Daughter, ...
The Planets of Our Solar System [SCM]
by Stephen John Kortenkamp
(From Amazon): Venus is a sweltering, spinning rock. Jupiter is a huge ball of gas. But they are ...
The Sciences
by Edward S. Holden
From Amazon: An introduction to the sciences that wakens the imagination, conveys useful knowledg...
Signs and Seasons Field Journal and Test Manual
by Jay Ryan
(From Amazon): A Workbook for Establishing High School Credit
The Sky Is Full of Stars (Edition: 1) [SCM]
by Franklyn M. Branley
(From Amazon): An introduction to astronomy focuses on the brightest stars and constellations, ex...
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