A Child's Geography of the World
by V. M. Hillyer Author
Though somewhat outdated in spots, Hillyer's narrative geography for younger children still holds its charm and much general information that is worthwhile today.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- Out of Print
- weeks
- 71
- Pages
- 451
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 6th
- Publisher
- Appleton-Century-Crofts
- Copyright
- 1951
- Written
- 1929
- AO 1 The World Through a Spy-Glass -ch 1
- AO 1 The World is Round, For I've Been Round It - ch 2
- AO 2 The Inside of the World - ch 3
- AO 2 The Endless Parade - ch 4
- AO 3 The 13 Club - ch 5
- AO 3 A City Built in a Swamp - ch 6
- AO 4 Mary's Land, Virginia's State, and Penn's Woods - ch 7
- AO 4 The Empire State - ch 8
- AO 5 Yankee Land - ch 9
- AO 5 Five Big Puddles - ch 10
- AO 6 The Father of Waters - ch 11
- AO 6 The Fountain of Youth - ch 12
- AO 7 The Covered Wagon - ch 13
- AO 7 Wonderland - ch 14
- AO 8 The 'Est, 'Est West - ch 15
- AO 8 The 'Est, 'Est West (continued) - ch 16
- AO 9 Next-Door Neighbor - Ch 17
- AO 9 The War-God's Country - ch 18
- AO 10 So Near and Yet So Far - ch 19
- AO 10 Pirate Seas - ch 20
- AO 11 North South America - ch 21
- AO 11 Rubber and Coffee Land - ch 22
- AO 12 Silver Land and Sliver Land - ch 23
- AO 12 The Bridge Across the Ocean - ch 24
- AO 13 The Land of the Angles - ch 25
- AO 13 The Land of the Angles (continued) - ch 26
- AO 14 The Englishman's Neighbors - ch 27
- AO 14 Parlez-vous Francais? - ch 28
- AO 15 Parlez-vous Francais? (continued) - ch 29
- AO 15 The Land Below the Sea - ch 30
- AO 16 Castles in Spain - ch 31
- AO 16 Castles in Spain (continued) - ch 32
- AO 17 The Land in the Sky - ch 33
- AO 17 The Boot Top - ch 34
- AO 18 The Gates of Paradise and the Dome of Heaven - ch 35
- AO 18 The Dead and Alive City - ch 36
- AO 19 A Pile of Ashes a Mile High - ch 37
- AO 19 Wars and Fairy-Tales - ch 38
- AO 20 The Great Danes - ch 39
- AO 20 Fish, Fiords, Falls and Forests - ch 40
- AO 21 Fish, Fiords, Falls and Forests (continued) - ch 41
- AO 21 Where the Sun Shines All Night - ch 42
- AO 22 The Bear - ch 43
- AO 22 The Bread-Basket - ch 44
- AO 23 The Iron Curtain Countries - ch 45
- AO 23 The Land of the Gods - ch 46
- AO 24 The Land of the New Moon - ch 47
- AO 24 The Ship of the Desert - ch 48
- AO 25 A "Once-Was" Country - ch 49
- AO 25 A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey - ch 50
- AO 26 The "Exact Spots" - ch 51
- AO 26 The Garden of Eden - ch 52
- AO 27 The Land of Bedtime Stories - ch 53
- AO 27 The Lion and the Sun - ch 54
- AO 28 Opposite-Feet - ch 55
- AO 28 Opposite-Feet (continued) - ch 56
- AO 29 The White Elephant - ch 57
- AO 29 The Land of Devils - ch 58
- AO 30 Dragon Land - ch 59
- AO 30 Dragon Land (continued) - ch 60
- AO 31 Where theThermometer Freezes Up - ch 61
- AO 31 A Giant Sea-Serpent - ch 62
- AO 32 Picture Post-Cards - ch 63
- AO 32 Man-Made Mountains ch 64
- AO 33 Robber Lands and Desert Sands - ch 65
- AO 33 Afraid of the Dark - ch 66
- AO 34 Zoo Land - ch 67
- AO 34 The End of the Rainbow - ch 68
- AO 35 Fortune Island - ch 69
- AO 35 Cannibal Islands - ch 70
- AO 36 Journey's End - ch 71
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