Search Results
Search criteria: keywords: V. M. Hillyer
A Child's History of the World [SCM]
A succinct world history written in conversational tone for young children. Note: The first four ...
A Child's History of Art: Painting
by V. M. Hillyer
One in the classic series from Hillyer. Includes works of the Great Masters as well as less well-...
A Child's Geography of the World
by V. M. Hillyer
Though somewhat outdated in spots, Hillyer's narrative geography for younger children still holds...
A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth (Edition: Pap/Cdr)
by Ann Voskamp
In the lively style of Hillyer, A Child's Geography will take you and your fledgling geographers ...
A Child's History of the World - AO Year 3 Readings Only
by V. M. Hillyer
Good history of the World - Only the readings used in AO Year 3, with the weeks scheduled.
Maple Hill Academy - Year 3 - World History
World History - Late 1400's to 1600's. Based on Ambleside Online. Please check their site for...
A Child's Geography, Volume II (Edition: Second)
by Ann Voskamp
In the lively style of Hillyer, A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth, will take you and your fl...
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