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Growing Up in Ancient Greece (Edition: Growing Up in series)
by Chris Chelepi
Short explanations with good illustrations that detail various aspects of life in Ancient Greece.
Growing Up in Ancient Egypt (Edition: Growing Up in series) [SCM]
by Rosalie David
Short explanations with good illustrations that detail various aspects of life in Ancient Egypt.
Growing Up in Viking Times (Edition: Growing Up in series) [SCM]
by Dominic Tweddle
Short explanations with good illustrations that detail various aspects of life in Viking Times.
Growing Up in Aztec Times [SCM]
by Marion Wood
Short explanations with good illustrations that detail various aspects of life in Aztec times.
Growing Up in Ancient China [SCM]
by Ken Teague
Short explanations with good illustrations that detail various aspects of life in Ancient China.
Charlotte Mason Study Guide [SCM]
by Penny Gardner
Arranges pertinent quotes from Charlotte's original writings into sections centered on various to...
When Children Love to Learn [SCM]
by Elaine Cooper
A collection of articles by various teachers and administrators who have sought to incorporate Ch...
RightStart Mathematics Level D Lessons
by Joan A. Cotter
Multiplication, simple division, and fractions are the primary focus; works with numbers to one m...
Paint Your Own Illuminated Letters [SCM]
by Stefan Oliver
Describes the various styles of illuminated lettering and explains how to paint your own.
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